Neo/Poly/Dex Ophthalmic Suspension

NeoPolyDex Ophthalmic Suspension

3.5 Grams $28.99

Neo Poly Dex Ophthalmic is a pet medication which is the combination of the antibiotics polymyxin B, neomycin and the anti-inflammatory steroid dexamethasone. This medication is used for the treatment of nonulcerative keratitis, severe conjunctivitis and various other corneal conditions.


Neo-Poly-Dex Ophthalmic Suspension are used to treat inflammatory ocular conditions or in case there is a risk of bacterial infections.


Manufacturer of Neo/Poly/Dex Ophthalmic Suspension – Various.


Neo/Poly/Dex Ophthalmic Suspension should be used as directed by the veterinarian.


Dexamethasone, Neomycin Sulfate and Polymyxin Sulfate are the main ingredients of Neo/Poly/Dex Ophthalmic Suspension.

Side Effects/Precautions

Though this is an extremely safe medication but in some cases it can cause transient stinging and in case ointment is used it can lead to some transient vision blurring.


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