Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution 1%

Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution

1% 15mL $34.89
2% 15mL $42.99

In case your pet suffers from canine primary glaucoma, then Pilocarpine (miotic agent) is the medication your pet needs.


Pilocarpine is effective in case of primary glaucoma. It is advised never to use it in secondary glaucoma. To prevent any kind of contamination, wash your hands before using these drops and also make sure no part of dropper is in contact with pet’s eye or skin.


Pilocarpine is manufactured by – Various.


Pilocarpine should be used as directed by your veterinarian.

Side Effects

It can cause some irritation when used for the first time. Other side effects include diarrhea, increased salivation and vomiting.


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