Francodex Oatmeal Flea and Tick Mist

Francodex Oatmeal Water Based Flea and Tick Mist

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Regular Price: $14.16 $9.49

Francodex Oatmeal Flea and Tick Mist is a specially manufactured product for pets that have scaly and oily skin. Scales and Crust which are caused due to Seborrhea or any other skin condition can be easily removed by using Francodex Oatmeal Flea and Tick Mist. Apart from this, Francodex Oatmeal Flea and Tick Mist also kills fleas, lice and ticks.
So order now to provide a complete relief to your pet.


Francodex Oatmeal Flea and Tick Mist is manufactured by Francodex


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