Novox Caplets (carprofen)


25 mg (60 Caplets) $35.99
75 mg (60 Caplets) $53.99
100 mg (60 Caplets) $58.49
25 mg (180 Caplets) $109.79
100 mg (180 Caplets) $148.49
75 mg (180 Caplets) $149.39

Novox Caplets is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug whose ingredients are same as Rimadyl. It is very useful in the treatment of pain caused due to osteoarthritis.


It should be used as stated by a Vet.

Side Effects/Precautions

Some of the side effects of this product are diarrhea, dark stools, vomiting, lethargy, and seizure, loss of appetite or behavioral changes.


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